Setup our software to your host and start testing in 5 minutes
Download NosyMouse gRPC Tester software here
Create the new folder on your host and unzip the downloaded zip file there
- Windows Download: Windows download
- Linux Download: Linux download
Give execution rights to the NosyMouse folder (Linux, Windows; no actions needed)
Copy correct JSON file from /config directory to execution folder and rename it to config.json
Start NosyMouse from the command line: nosymouse or ./nosymouse
Open URL with the browser (Chrome/Edge etc.) for example, local Windows https://localhost:10101
- Register to application with Google or another email account
- Verify your account
Log in using the username(email) and the password created to access NosyMouse
Create your first project and import your proto files to the Project
Download NosyMouse gRPC Tester command-line tool to run your tests with CI tools easily
- Windows Download: Windows command line Download
- Linux Download: Linux command line Download
- iOS Download: Mac command line Download